What is the English Eight Parts of Speech? - English Tube Online

Halo English Learner!
This article, the writer will explain about the eight part of speech bahasa Inggris. Yuk simak penjelasan berikut ini. :)

What is part of Speech?
Part of Speech didalam bahasa Indonesia bearti bagian tata bahasa. Yaitu jenis kelas kata yang ada di sebuah bahasa. Kelas kata sendiri terbagi menjadi 8, yaitu:

Noun : Kata Benda
Concreat Noun : Table, Pen, Book
Abstract Noun : Happyness, Lazyness, Sadness

Pronoun : Kata Ganti
Subject = l, you, they, we, he, she, it
Object  = me, you, them, us, him, her, it
Possesive adjective = My, your, their, our, his, her, its
Possesive pronoun = Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his, hers, its

Adjective : Kata Sifat
Happy = Bahagia
Sad = Sedih
Smart = Pintar

Verb : Kata Kerja
Material (Physicly) = Run, Walk, Put, work, do
Mental (Mentally) = Feel, Think, See, Look

Adverb : Kata Keterangan
Adverb of Time = At 07am, in the weekend, on saturday, etc.
Adverb of Place = in the school, at the classroom, at the store, etc.
Adverb of Manner = Slowly, Hardly, Fast, loudly, etc.
Adverb of Frequency = Always, seldom, ever, never, rarely, usually, etc.

Preposition : Kata Depan
In, On, at, under, above, below, etc.

Conjunction : Kata Sambung
Cordinate conjunction = For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Subordinate conjunction = Therefore, because, cause, while, when, since, however, although, etc.

Interjection : Kata Seru
See You!
Oh my God!

Selamat Belajar :)

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